You may have noticed the energy-saving double reduction measures implemented by the Chinese government, staggering the peak electricity consumption, In strong manufacturing provinces like Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu provinces ect., all published specific measure to limit industrial power operation. And we all know Government support manufacturing all the time and China is a big manufacturing country. Why Chinese government carry out policy of cutting enterprise power? Because it's really out of power.

We have set a carbon emission reduction target, and each province has a task indicator. This is what must be done in order to achieve a green earth and achieve the ambitious goal of achieving carbon peaks. Because carbon emissions are limited, our total energy use is limited, so when we reach a certain point, we must make some choices. Residential electricity consumption must be guaranteed, and residential electricity consumption only accounts for 13.6% of the total electricity consumption, and the tertiary industry electricity consumption is only 13.4%, so that only industrial electricity consumption accounts for 71.1% of the electricity consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the power supply to the manufacturing industry.
We, Grandcorp Group Limited was established in Taiwan in 1983. With over 30 years experience in die making, we has more than 30 years factories around China and abroad.
Our company has not encountered the problem of limited production capacity currently. Our production line is running normally, Production department accord to previous and incoming order, make suitable change shifts, take full use of branch advantages to make sure satisfying client’s delivery time.
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